Package booking

Sell packages, offer discounts on bulk purchase sessions, and get paid for multiple appointments at once.

Create packages for more sales

Create packages of one or multiple services at a discounted rate and get paid for multiple sessions at once.

Set the package's parameters including pricing, redeemable for number of events or total amount, and redeemable event types. You can mix multiple redeemable event types in one package.

Customize package receipt to thank clients, and reward your most loyal clients by creating special packages.

Track packages purchased by clients, booking history and number of redeemable events remaining.

Reward loyal clients with discounts

Clients only need to pay once at the check-out for a package instead of making multiple purchases for each booking.

Clients can easily redeem prepaid sessions through the package page or applying the redemption code at check-outs, and see the number of remaining sessions at all times.

Share links of packages created on your website, email newsletter, and social media channels to promote sales and receive payments in advance.

Start receiving more bookings online today!

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